Heute haben wir das Landleben in Ecuador auf der Finca von Anabels Eltern erleben duerfen. Hier ging es im Nebel und Regen ueber die Wiesen und den Regenwald bis zu den Wasserfaellen die sich auf dem Gebiet der Finca befinden. Desweiteren haben wir die 38 Kuehe gesehen und auch das sehr groesse Wasserauffangbecken, dass sie erst vor einem Jahr gebaut haben. Mit einem reichlichen Mittagessen - gegrilltes Huehnchen, Wuerstchen, Mais, Bohnen, Reis, Kartoffeln, Salat und vielem mehr - haben wir uns dann wieder in die Stadt verabschiedet. Mit Sonnenschein und einem traumhaften Blick auf Quito ging es zurueck zu unserer letzten Spanisch-Stunde.
This morning we visited a real Ecuadorian Finca - the Finca of Anabel´s parents. We hiked down to a waterfall - unfortunately in the fog and rain this morning. However, we were rewarded with seeing fresh spring water from the Pichincha mountain, as well as meeting 38 cows that produce their milk mainly for Nestlé. Our lunch consisted of a huge bar-b-q with some of the most delicious chicken we have tasted up to now.
In the afternoon we had our last Spanish lesson so that we are now off on our own to master the South American continent. We are leaving for Lima, Peru on Wednesday morning and don´t know when and where our next internet online option will be.
Next stops - just in case we do not post any sooner are: Lima, Cusco, Macchu Picchu and then Puno in Peru.
This morning we visited a real Ecuadorian Finca - the Finca of Anabel´s parents. We hiked down to a waterfall - unfortunately in the fog and rain this morning. However, we were rewarded with seeing fresh spring water from the Pichincha mountain, as well as meeting 38 cows that produce their milk mainly for Nestlé. Our lunch consisted of a huge bar-b-q with some of the most delicious chicken we have tasted up to now.
In the afternoon we had our last Spanish lesson so that we are now off on our own to master the South American continent. We are leaving for Lima, Peru on Wednesday morning and don´t know when and where our next internet online option will be.
Next stops - just in case we do not post any sooner are: Lima, Cusco, Macchu Picchu and then Puno in Peru.

1 Kommentar:
Good luck! Have fun!
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