Hier scheint die Sonne, es sind immer noch 27 Grad und wir merken, dass wir weiter im Süden sind, da um 20h30 die Sonne immer noch nicht ganz untergegangen war.
So on we go - SCL: Santiago de Chile is our current location. We had a nice flight with a great view of the Andean Mountains on the left hand side and the Pacific Ocean on the right hand side. Since the plane was very empty we both chose window seats on opposite sides of the plane so that we could see it all!
In SCL we are staying in a very nice hostel: Casa Roja - the perferct backpacker´s place run by Australians. We had a stroll through town in the evening, had a delicious seafood dinner and enjoyed daylight and 27°C at 20h30 in the evening.
We have meanwhile travelled 3.663 km south since Quito and are slowly starting to notice that the days are longer. We also descended in altitude. Our highest altitude was reached at the Sol de Manana Geysirs in Bolivia with a height of 4.900 mNN. After more then 4 weeks in altitudes of 3.000+ mNN we have now descended to 500 mNN and are clearly feeling the effects of an oxygen shock!
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