Greetings from Bluff, Utah. Today we had an incredibly beautiful day. We started out early in the morning leaving Mancos at 7 am to be at the gate for Mesa Verde as soon as it opens. We had our breakfast inside the NP on top of a mountain overlooking the Montezuma plains while the sun was rising. Of course we also checked out the cliff dwellings which we found to be interesting but not necessarily overwhelming.
We then headed out west into the desert stopping at the four corners where Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah meet. Quick lunch there and then on to Monument Valley where we spent the entire afternoon in the park checking out all the buttes.
Tomorrow we are on our way to Moab. We slightly changed our plans and will now be going over the top, ie Canyonlands NP, Arches NP, Bryce, Zion, Antelope and then Grand Canyon. Meanwhile we notice that it is a lot more touristy here than when we were in Colorado with Mike and Susanna- thanks again for those great days guys!!
Wieder ein Lebenszeichen aus Bluff, Utah. Wir sind heute von Mancos über Mesa Verde, den Four Corners und dem Monument Valley nach Bluff gefahren. Es gibt ganz viele atemberaubenden Bilder, die wir nur leider im Moment nicht posten können. Morgen geht es weiter nach Moab und in den Canyonlands Nationalpark. Wir haben unsere Route leicht abgeändert und fahren jetzt oben rum, dh Arches NP, Bryce, Zion, Antelope und dann der Grand Canyon.
1 Kommentar:
... und lasst Euch bloß nicht die Wanderung zum Delicate Arch entgehen! Ich beneide Euch... Habt noch viel Spaß und tolle Erlebnisse. Lieben Gruß, Rainer
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