Leaving Page, AZ we visited Antelope Canyon which was gorgeous but also expensive (52 us$). We enjoyed it though and it was worth the money. Next stop was the Grand Canyon. A great place but very overrun. We only did the short hikes on the rim and decided to move on to Las Vegas where we spent two nights. Again Las Vegas is great to experience and a fun place but after two nights we were done. We visited two fantastic shows and didn't lose any money gambling!

From Las Vegas we left in search for some solitude which we found in Death Valley. In fact we both fell in love with this amazing place that we decided to spend another day there. So yesterday we did a hike around Ubehebe crater and visited Scotty's Castle. The colors on Death Valley are amazing and the cool temperatures of arond 33 Celsius certainly contributed to our liking.

We are moe on Bishop, CA and will push north today visiting Mono Lake and Bodie. Tomorrow we'll be hiking in the Sierras and then it's Yosemite and San Francisco.
More deatails on all as soon as we get a decent connection to the Internet.
Jetzt waren wir fast eine Woche ohne Internetzugang. Daher der etwas spaerliche Blog die letzten Tage. Selbst jetzt können wir keine Bilder hochladen, aber keine Angst - das holen wir noch nach.
Die letzten Stationen waren Antelope Canyon, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas und Death Valley. Antelope und Death Valley waren super. Grand Canyon war und zu überlaufen. Las Vegas muss man erlebt haben. Wir hatten Spaß dort, haben zwei tolle Shows besucht und sogar 32 US$ ohne Einsatz gewonnen. (das Hotel hat einem ein 20 US$ Spielguthaben gegeben.
Wir sind nun in Bishop, CA und werden die nächsten Tage in den Sierras verbringen bevor es nach San Francisco geht.
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