Time to say farewell - Our flight is leaving tomorrow and we have to catch up with important people. So we met in the morning with Chris and Lisa and their daughter Brooke for brunch at Macrina's on 1st Ave. It was great to meet up again after almost 10 years.
The afternoon was used to pack some bags and prepare our travel gear as good as we could. And then finally - the famous CHB salmon BBQ at McGilvra! Uncle Clem bbq'ed a great fish - yet again. And of course we met more family and friends, and as always it was really, really a lot of fun.
Paul then decided that we should start getting used to the German time zone again - alas we had to stay up the night and went out with Paul to play some Poker. Between the two of us we lost 60 USD, however, Paul compensated for that with a few good winning hands and came out on top. So no damage was done!
Zum Abschluss des Abends hat uns Paul noch zu einem Pokerspiel mitgenommen. Marcus und ich haben dabei zusammen 60 Dollar verloren ... so hatten wir diesmal nicht soviel Glück mit dem Glücksspiel wie letztes Jahr in Las Vegas. Naja, Paul hat die Ehre gerettet und als zweiter doch einiges an Gewinn mitnehmen können.

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