After a 10 hour flight we landed safely in Seattle. Left in grey rainy weather and arrived in grey rainy weather - the captain said "typical for Seattle". Let's prove him wrong these coming weeks.
The flight itself was uneventful. A lot of clouds and we could only get a few views of Greenland this time around. Once in Seattle Katrin needed over an hour to get through immigration. We had two Korean and one French load in front of us.
Meanwhile we are sitting at Linnea and Paul's place enjoying the view over Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains. We'll meet with Uncle Clem tomorrow for lunch. Sounds good!
Lufthansa A330

Boarding Cards

Greenland Glaciers

Greenland Glaciers

1 Kommentar:
Einen wunderschönen Urlaub wünsche ich Euch bei diesen ersten tollen Eindrücken.
Beste Grüße aus O´dorf.
Gerald und Moni
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